Saturday, April 25, 2009

Asampragnata Samadhi Experience of Paramahamsa Nithyananda

in this discourse Paramahamsa Nithyananda talks about his experience w Arunagiri Yogishwara. seen in the pic is the Arunagiri Yogishwara mandapam at the Arunachaleswara Temple in Tiruvannamalai.

Sampragnata Samadhi Experience of Paramahamsa Nithyananda

in this discourse in the Patanjali Yoga Sutra series (sutra 17) Nithyananda talks about his experience w Ganesha eating food and uses this story to illustrate Vitarka, right reasoning, that leads to Ananda, flowering of bliss. Vichara, contemplation, leads to Asmita, pure awareness.
the first is to be practiced 24/7 as a lifestyle, the latter as a technique 30-50 minutes a day. when both Ananda and Asmita are experienced, Sampragnata Samadhi happens which is the first level Samadhi.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nithyananda calls for return to Vedic Traditions

MONTCLAIR, CA: On Sunday, March 29, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) conducted his first public event in the City of Norwalk in nearly two years.

This landmark event also marked the first time ever that the Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) and representatives of various temples and organizations gathered together to welcome an enlightened master and conduct a spiritual event.

At the program, organized by the Indian Community of Southern California, Swamiji was honored by city and state representatives, including Mayor of Artesia Sally Flowers, who presented Swamiji with keys to their city and commended his service around the world, Mayor Pro Tem of Cypress Prakash Narain, who shared his appreciation for Swamiji's message and mission, and CA State Assemblyman Tony Mendoza, who presented him with a proclamation.

Swamiji delivered an engaging and inspiring talk on the importance of the Vedic tradition to Indian communities here in the US and around the globe. Many traditions are born from the Vedic philosophy, but the underlying goal and truth of all of them is "Living Enlightenment."

Living Enlightenment consists of four dimensions: shakti, awakening the energy inside you to change whatever needs to be changed; buddhi, the intelligence to accept what need not be changed; yukti, the clarity that the whole world is a dream; and bhakti, a strong feeling of connection to that what is unchanging (be it the divine, God or your guru).

Swamiji also spoke on the importance of internalizing the Vedic inner software and the Indian dharmic tradition. Living a happy fulfilled life based on these traditions will inspire the younger generation to follow, said Swamiji. Furthermore, temples should become educational centers, and not a place for politics or just for worship.

During the talk, Swamiji also spoke on his unique technique of "unclutching," which he defined as the state of being where you, "relax into the silence from where your thoughts are arising." The constant and intense practice of "unclutching" takes you beyond attachment and detachment. It allows you to evolve into higher consciousness.

Swamiji then explained how the technique of "unclutching" is expressed through the 12th aphorism of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. In the previous discourses, Swamiji elaborated on the five modifications of the mind, which can lead you to pain or joy. They are: right knowledge, wrong knowledge, imagination, sleep and memory. Patanjali is teaching us to continually come back to the source - to the Vedic tradition - through constant remembrance. This intensity is the ultimate technique for achieving the truth.

Source: India Post News Service

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Life Bliss Engineering - Program

Life Bliss Engineering program is a 3 month program offered in Bidadi/Bengaluru - India from June 1st - Aug 31st, 2009.

Below is additional information on Life Bliss Engineering program:

1. being around and with the enlightened Master in the energy field of the ashram... chance of lifetimes...

2. getting trained for establishing a yogic body-mind (the hardware) with the Vedic software(the intellectual and experiential inputs) to live enlightenment...

3. changing the very mental and physical set up to perform at peak potential...

4. after the 3 months ... will have the confidence, courage, energy and intelligence to make a grand success of life...

5. will go to the very roots of Vedic tradition and experience the spiritual strength and scientific vigor of this culture...

6. will have a taste of the 'parivrajaka' (wanderings) lifestyle thru the travel and study programs that are inbuilt into the syllabus...

7. glimpse the power of 'aparigraha' (living with the minimum) as a way of celebrating life and experiencing real freedom...

8. meet and live with like minded people to create an enlightened society or sangha and be an inspiration to future generations....

the Inner Awaking program is free for anyone attending the Life Bliss Engineering program! basically we get 2 programs for the price of the Life Bliss Engineering program. this is a once in a life time opportunity. please consider and/or invite your friends and family to attend these programs.

Yogam Holiness will speak in Bellevue

here is a brief interview of Paramahamsa Nithyananda on King in Bellvue, WA

Monday, April 20, 2009

Inner Awakening - Program


light the flame of living enlightenment in your being

Inner Awakening in a Nutshell
Why you should be at 'Inner Awakening':

- Most of the daily sessions are conducted personally by Paramahamsa Nithyananda
- Daily schedule of Nithya Yoga and meditation
- Life Solutions and meditations for all levels of seekers
- Range of meditations from dynamic techniques to silent experiences
- Upanishad - the ultimate gift - a transformation down to the cellular level just by sitting in the presence of the living Enlightened Master...
- Energized satvic food

Cleanse, energize and integrate yourself, and start 'living enlightenment'!

June 16 to July 6, 2009
in Bidadi/Bengaluru - India

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Living Enlightenment - The Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Living enlightenment is actualizing the limitless potential and experiencing the ultimate as every moment of life unfolds afresh. Living in this divine space is living the best life and doing the greatest service to society. There is an extraordinary potential hidden inside every human being. If it is awakened it will take you to a much higher plane of consciousness - beyond the limitations of the human body-mind. Experience this superconsciousness, actualize your ultimate potential. This is the only aim of human life - to enjoy the ultimate luxury of living enlightenment. - Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the living enlightened Master of the 21st century.

Topics in the book include:
- Clear, simple and complete life solutions
- How to overcome guilt?
- What is true love?
- The straight route to everyday bliss
- A blissful lifestyle with simple daily meditations and yoga
- Over 100 powerful meditation techniques and everyday awareness practices
- Rare insights into timeless truths of life
- What is karma?
- What is the purpose of life?
- Dimensions of the Master
- Who is a Master?
- How can a Master help me realize the Ultimate?
...and much more!

find this book and other such publications for blissful living at Life Bliss Galleria or contact us directly at 602-268-0233 (Phoenix, AZ).

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Deity Stories: Ganesha: The Lord of Beginnings

Ganesha is the supreme expression of super consciousness. He is the lord of beginnings. His very form itself is very powerful. If we understand his form, we will understand the truth presented in his form. His is the most worshipped form. Ganesha is the only God who is worshipped by all 6 Vedic traditions.

A much loved God, he is always remembered as simple, innocent and easily approachable. Of his four hands, he holds ankusha (elephant prods typically used to direct or steer elephants) in one hand, pasa (noose) in the other, his own broken tusk in the third hand, and a sweet in the last.

If we understand the ayudhas (symbolic tools) he carries, we will understand the truth. The ankusha(small steel rod that is used to control an elephant) is the technique of unclutching. Just like an elephant can be controlled with a small steel rod, a simple unclutching technique can help one control the mind which is like an elephant. Pasa - means all his emotions are under his control, he is emotionally balanced. If you know how to Unclutch and keep your emotions under your control, life will be very sweet, like the one he is holding in one of his hands! The tusk that he carries in one of his hands represents spontaneity and dedication. When you have spontaneity and dedication, whatever you start will be successful. That is why we worship Ganesha first, before we start anything new.

Always carry ankusha and live like Ganesha. Technique of unclutching, being emotionally balanced, spontaneous and dedicated will make your life sweet and you will always be dancing, even while you are walking! His big belly represents joy and prosperity. He shows his innocence and simple life through his huge body. He is the lord of the Muladhara chakra or the root center. He represents the pure energy of Visualization. When visualization is disturbed it becomes imagination. Ganesha represents undisturbed visualization.

Before we begin anything new if you pray to Ganesha, there will be no obstacles. He's the planning commission. He is the energy who constantly and spontaneously expresses visualization. His vahana (vehicle), the mouse, means constantly being alive. Mooshika (mouse) expresses intense activeness. Meditate on Ganesha the supreme energy of super consciousness. Sarva mangala (all auspicious), sarva kalyana (all beautiful), sarva uttama (all superior qualities) are expressed in the form of Ganesha.

This article was taken from YOGAM4YOU.ORG, Swamiji's USA Tour 2009.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shivaratri in Tiruvannamalai

here is a beautiful posting from the Arunachala Grace Blog about Shivaratri in Tiruvannamalai