Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sampragnata Samadhi Experience of Paramahamsa Nithyananda

in this discourse in the Patanjali Yoga Sutra series (sutra 17) Nithyananda talks about his experience w Ganesha eating food and uses this story to illustrate Vitarka, right reasoning, that leads to Ananda, flowering of bliss. Vichara, contemplation, leads to Asmita, pure awareness.
the first is to be practiced 24/7 as a lifestyle, the latter as a technique 30-50 minutes a day. when both Ananda and Asmita are experienced, Sampragnata Samadhi happens which is the first level Samadhi.


jrink said...

good information. i have the yogasutra patanjali book's in Indonesian language.

Udaysree said...

check out there are more discourses on patanjali's yoga sutras... n'joy.